For those of you who have been following me through this process since December, it's been quite a roller coaster. After about 100 hours to get the first copy made, the long road of play testing began. I've played in most of the 15 play tests so far, with a few games of Railroads played without me. Since starting though, I haven't really been able to sit down with my board game group and play a published board game in months. It was really pleasant to sit down last night and play a game of Agricola with some of my closest friends in Durham.
Meanwhile, my weekends are consumed by thoughts about all the things that need to be accomplished for Railroads and Social Hour Games to have a chance at surviving infancy. For example, I need to write the script for the Kickstarter video, which some friends and I will be filming on March 23rd. The idea is to have the kickstarter up by April 1st, which was already pushed back from my previous self-set deadline of March 1st. In the end though, I think what comes out will be significantly better.
Thanks for reading!